In the name of the Lord Jesus I testify. This is a story of how I came to believe in Jesus Christ at the True Jesus Church (“TJC”).
Why True Jesus Church?
In 1963, my older brother, Chi Ming Chuen, came to believe in the True Jesus Church. Later on, he even dedicated himself to become a preacher and In 2006, retired from ministry at the age of 65.
This is how my brother came to the TJC. While in the army, he contracted tuberculosis (TB) and had reached the 3rd stage, which was the terminal stage. The army notified my father of the serious condition and he immediately sent me to visit my brother because I was a trained nurse.
Pained by my brother’s condition, I dared not reveal his true condition to my parents. I only asked my parents to pray for him. One afternoon, our entire family went to our church, which was the Presbyterian Church at that time, to make a special prayer for him.
After a few months, my brother returned home: healthy, strong, and vigorous. He told us how he was healed through prayer, thought not at the Presbyterian Church but at the True Jesus Church.
A friend had invited him to an evangelical service at in True Jesus Church, Taichung, Taiwan. He had accepted, thinking maybe the church holiday programs such as singing or dancing might help ease his pain for a while. But when friends from the church helped take my brother to the church service, he saw no holiday celebrations, only a sermon by the late Elder John Yang (True Jesus Church does not celebrate Christmas).
At the end of service, the pastor called for those who needed to receive the laying of hands for healing or for the fullness of Holy Spirit to come forward. My brother’s friend loudly called, “Come on! Aren’t you sick? Go to the front to pray! If the preacher lays his hand on you, you’ll be healed!” Embarrassed, my brother followed his friend to the front of the chapel to pray. He humbly knelt down, bowed his head, and prayed quietly.
Out of expectation, a miraculous power poured down and into my brother’s body and lifted him up. He then started leaping from his kneeling position, as if jumping on his knees. He also found himself speaking so fast in an unknown tongue, just like the people around him. When his body was shaken, he was afraid he would cough up up more blood.
But then, he started feeling the Holy Spirit filling within his heart, erasing away his worries and overwhelming him with joy. After the prayer, the preacher confirmed that he had in fact received the Holy Spirit of Acts 2:38 and everyone congratulated him.
My brother was astonished. He was enrolled in a theological seminary and on track to be a preacher, before he was drafted into compulsory military service. So he remembered that in the Book of Acts, it recorded how the Holy Spirit descended on the people for the first time on the Day of Pentecost, almost 2000 years ago.
He remembered that his old church had taught that when one believed in Christ and confessed with his lips (Romans 10:10) that one was already saved. Therefore it was presumed that one automatically received the indwelling of the Holy Spirit at the time of accepting Christ. They had presumed that thereafter, as long as a person lived and breathed, the Holy Spirit will continue to dwell within him. He realized that this was not a correct understanding of the Bible. He therefore understood and welcomed the correct gospel of salvation preached at the True Jesus Church of Acts 2:38 where one had to believe, be baptized, and to receive the promised Holy Spirit in order to be saved.
After prayer, other people wanted to go and help him get up, but he just waved them away. His newfound strength from the Holy Spirit enabled him to stand up immediately on his own and he immediately applied to receive water baptism the next day. He clearly understood and accepted complete and true gospel of salvation preached at True Jesus Church.
After water baptism, my brother felt refreshingly strong and vibrant. At his next doctor’s visit, new x-rays were taken of his lungs. After reviewing the film, the doctor was awestruck: “Your TB is completely gone! How did you recover so quickly?” My brother told the doctor about his miraculous healing he received at the True Jesus Church. My brother was discharged from the hospital at once, and he took no more medicine from that day forward.
Our family was not pleased to hear his testimony. My mother was especially outraged because she had hoped that my brother would finish his theological training with the seminary of the Presbyterian Church and become a preacher there. My brother shook his head and questioned the use of being a minister of a gospel that was not complete. He insisted that one had to believe in the True Jesus Church to receive the true gospel of salvation! My mother was so angry she threatened to hang herself With a rope. My sister-in-law likewise returned to her maiden home, very upset.
I was the only one left in the family. I could not believe that he would throw away our faith in our church. I asked him, “Why did you do this? All our family and friends are all in the Presbyterian Church. We have no friends or relatives in the True Jesus Church.” My brother then asked me, “Do you go to church because you want to be saved or do you go to meet other people?” I replied that of course, I go to church to be saved.
Then my brother showed me several verses in the Bible. He told me that if I didn’t believe in the true gospel of salvation found only at the True Church of God, I would never be able to enter heaven. He turned to Matthew 7:21-23:
"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' 23Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'
These were the words spoken by Lord Jesus himself. Not everyone can enter the kingdom of heaven. Only he who does the will of God. Only True Jesus Church obeys the will of God by preaching the complete gospel of salvation.
My brother also turned to Mt 3:13-17 regarding the water baptism of Jesus Christ.
13Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John.
14But John tried to deter him, saying, "I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?"
15Jesus replied, "Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness." Then John consented. 16As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on him.
17And a voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased."
If Jesus is the Lord God, why does Jesus need to be baptized? Even John the Baptist refused by questioning, “Why do you come to be baptized by me?” John the Baptist felt that he himself was unworthy to even untie the sandals of Jesus Christ. But Jesus replied, “Let it be so now, it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness,” so he can set an example for everyone to follow, so all believers would baptize the same way Jesus did.
The words “he went up out of the water” opened my heart to see. If Jesus didn’t go inside the water, how could Jesus “come up out of the water?”
“So why does the Presbyterian Church insist on only the sprinkling of water for the form of baptism instead of full immersion as Jesus modeled?” I also asked my brother, “How come the minister of our church does not obey this verse in baptizing members?”
He said, “Because the minister of our church can’t obey this command himself, so he will not be able to teach others to do it correctly. If you believe in Jesus, you must receive the Holy Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit, you will not be able to enter the kingdom of heaven.” Turning to Eph 1:13-14 he said that those who believed in Jesus shall be marked with the Holy Spirit, a seal to guarantee their eternal inheritance.
13 In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, 14 who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory.
If everyone who believes in Christ will all go to heaven, then who were those that Jesus was referring to that will go to hell? Jesus clearly said in Matthew 7:13-14 that the way to hell is broad and many enter it, but those who find their way to heaven is narrow and few in number.
13"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
He said that the ones who believe in TJC are few in number but they are ones walking on the narrow path to true salvation. In TJC, they obey the will of God by preaching the complete truth of the gospel of salvation. Turning to Acts 19:1-7, my brother said that those who believed in Jesus Christ must receive the promised Holy Spirit.
1While Apollos was at Corinth, Paul took the road through the interior and arrived at Ephesus. There he found some disciples 2and asked them, "Did you receive the Holy Spirit when[a] you believed?" They answered, "No, we have not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit."
3So Paul asked, "Then what baptism did you receive?"
"John's baptism," they replied.
4Paul said, "John's baptism was a baptism of repentance. He told the people to believe in the one coming after him, that is, in Jesus." 5On hearing this, they were baptized into the name of the Lord Jesus. 6When Paul placed his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them, and they spoke in tongues and prophesied. 7There were about twelve men in all.
In the True Jesus Church, when you pray for the Holy Spirit, you can clearly distinguish who has received the Holy Spirit and who has not. In the other Christian churches, we have no way to tell they have the Holy Spirit even though they claim they have the Holy Spirit because nothing noticeable happens to them when they pray.
I accepted everything he taught me. My heart was truly opened to all the new teachings. I determined to seek the truth preached in this True Jesus Church.
Seeking the Truth at True Jesus Church
Even though my husband threatened me that he would divorce me should I dare to believe in this True Jesus Church (“TJC”), I continued to seek the truth at True Jesus church.
Soon afterward, TJC had a “Spiritual Convocation” (a special church retreat for a few days to worship and pray). I asked my husband’s permission to attend this spiritual convocation, and my husband allowed me to attend. But this would be the last time I will ever be allowed to attend it.
From the first day I heard about the promised gift of the Holy Spirit according to the Bible from my brother, I sought to receive this gift. Therefore, I prayed for 128 days for the Holy Spirit. During the Spiritual Convocation, I submitted my application for baptism immediately even though I knew my husband would be upset. Since my husband would not consent to the baptism and the fact that I may face tremendous religious persecution upon returning home, the church denied my baptism request. In my village, there were no other True Jesus church members; I was quite aware of the trial that would await me should I be baptized. The church feared that I would not be able to survive such suffering.
The preacher of TJC therefore encouraged me to pray for my husband to believe so that we could both be baptized together at some point later. I countered, but what if my husband never believes? Would that mean I will never be able to receive the great grace of salvation? I was very saddened by the church’s denial to baptize me. But I was comforted by the thought that maybe I may receive the Holy Spirit during the Spiritual Convocation and that itself would help me keep my newfound faith when I returned to the village.
It was with this heart of desperation that I fasted and prayed during that Spiritual Convocation. Thankfully, I received the Holy Spirit during lunch fasting prayer of the second day of the Spiritual Convocation. Thank God, my worries ceased after I received the Holy Spirit. On the third day of the Spiritual Convocation, the preacher announced all the people that would receive baptism. I was surprised to hear my name and my son’s name being called. I asked them why they changed their mind? The preacher said that since I received the Holy Spirit, they could no longer deny me from being baptized. He strongly urged me to stay strong in my faith no matter what may befall and to endure to the very end. I promised him that I would.
I then received the true water baptism at the True Jesus Church. I was so overjoyed and thankful to God for being able to receive the water baptism and the baptism of the Holy Spirit. At that time, I made a strong determination to treasure this Holy Spirit and not let it ever escape my heart. I also strongly determined to guard my newfound faith and to keep God’s commands to the very end, no matter what happened.
After the Spiritual Convocation was over, I returned to my maiden home where my husband waited to pick me up. When my husband saw me, he was very angry. He asked me why I received baptism without his consent? I told him that I had no choice but be baptized because this is God’s requirement for me to have my sins be washed away and be eternally saved. Then my husband asked my little son (who is then only 3 years old) whether if he also received the water baptism? My son answered, “Yes.” My husband further rebuked me, “Who said you could allow my son to be baptized?” I replied again that according to God’s way of salvation, our son baptized so that he could be saved.
On our way home, my husband took a different route on the road. He had taken a detour in order to meet the minister of the Presbyterian Church, Pastor Willy, who was the original one that introduced and married us together.
Pastor Willy questioned me slowly asking, “I heard you have left our church?” I answered, “Yes, I did.” He asked me why? Which church did I convert to? I replied that it was the True Jesus Church. When Pastor Willy heard the name of True Jesus Church, he broke into a smile. He gave a thumbs up and praised me, “Very good! Very wonderful! I have seen their believers before. They are full of faith and godliness because they have the Holy Spirit. You may believe in this church. If you had gone to any another church, I would have certainly stopped you.”
My husband complained that this was not what he expected from his Presbyterian minister. He wanted Pastor Willy to un-convert me but instead the Pastor took my side. Then when we arrived home, my in-laws came charging out of the front door and berated me. Why did you want to believe in that crazy church? Our minister says that True Jesus Church is demon possessed and that is why when they pray, their bodies will shake. After we went inside the house, I explained, that we were not possessed by demons. It is because we have received the Holy Spirit, that we pray in tongue and our bodies vibrate. We have a clear and sound mind when we are praying.
My in-laws were illiterate and could not understand. I was unable to show them the Bible verses about the Holy Spirit, the tongue speaking and the body movement. I tried to show the Bible verses to my husband, but he was unwilling to listen to or read the Bible verses. Even though the Bible was clear in its message, they cared not to understand. They constantly yelled at me, “You must leave that church!”
Every Sunday, when they went to the Presbyterian Church, they tried to force me to go with them. I politely refused; stating that I was already in the True Jesus Church, on the true way to heaven. I didn’t want to walk backwards on an old path. My husband argued, “You have faith, yet you refuse to listen to your husband. Doesn’t the Bible tell you to submit to your husband? Didn’t the Bible say that the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church?” I then pleaded with him that, “You and your family can make me a slave to do whatever you like, but please grant me the freedom of religion.” My husband and his family flatly rejected, “NO! If you don’t listen to us, we don’t like you.”
One Sunday, my husband pushed and dragged me all the way to their church. Without realizing it, I was already at their church. I knew that the church they dragged me to did not belong to God, so why should I even worship at their church? I sat down and bowed my head in quiet prayer, “Lord Jesus, I didn’t come here on purpose. Please forgive me.” When they gathered to pray, they took turns praying in understanding, one after another. It was taking so long; I couldn’t stand it anymore so I took my son and went home.
When I returned home, I was so glad to have a chance to pray alone. So I knelt down and started praying loudly in spiritual tongues, using the Holy Spirit within me. When the family came home, they were shocked to hear how I prayed in tongues. They immediately yelled at me. My father-in-law shouted, “Never pray in this manner in my home! Our minister said because of you, our home will be cursed and we will become poor.” My in-laws were proud people who thought they were well off compared to others. In reality, they were not that much better than their neighbors, since most of the villagers who lived in the mountain areas of Taiwan were not wealthy. My father-in-law threatened that “If you ever dare to pray like that again, we will have you divorced immediately!”
I took my father-in-law’s words seriously because I know that he was cruel enough to follow through on his words. So I tried very carefully to never let them see me praying in the Holy Spirit, in tongues. Even though they told me not to pray in the Spirit but I grabbed every chance I could to pray without them knowing. My mother-in-law liked to visit and gossip with the neighbors. So whenever she went off, I’d calculate how much time I had left before she returned. Then I’d jump right into prayer for that same length of time. When she came back, I would have just finished prayer. So she would never see me pray and so for a while nothing happened.
I hungered to pray so much that I often rose in the middle of the night to pray. During the dark and quiet hours of slumber, I tried to find secret places to pray alone without being discovered. Whenever I opened the front door, I would look here or there, trying to search for new hidden places to pray. I would look for the darkest corner, where no one could see or hear me. One time, after I had finished praying, I suddenly realized that there was a person standing in front of me. That person had a wooden bat in his hand. I knew immediately that he had come to beat me.
I quickly ran back to my bedroom, like a mouse scampering from a cat. It was my father-in-law who was stalking me. He came in with my mother-in-law, into my bedroom. Because they were shouting, my husband was awakened from his sleep. I knelt in front of them, with my head bowed. Then my mother-in-law gave the bat to my husband and commanded, “Go ahead! Beat her up! Do it hard!” My husband lifted the bat high in the air, ready to strike me.
I closed my eyes tightly and prayed inside my heart, “Lord Jesus, save me! My husband is about to beat me! Who is going to save me now?” Out of my expectation, the Lord immediately used my mouth to speak these words, “You shall not strike me. When I am praying, I am using the Holy Spirit to pray. Anyone who dares to beat me will be beaten by the Holy Spirit and you shall die immediately!”
Once my husband heard this statement, he was frightened and let go of the bat. My mother-in-law said, “Why don’t you beat her? Do it now!” My husband replied, “Didn’t you hear what she just said? She said that when she prays, she’s praying in the Holy Spirit. If we beat her, we will die!” Then my in-laws turned to go back to their room, muttering under their breath.
Then my husband apologetically said to me, “That gesture before…it was just something to show for my parents to see. I really didn’t want to do it.” But in my heart, I knew fully that had Jesus not intervened, I would have suffered serious injury. I knew that because of the authority of Jesus Christ, I was saved. Thank God.
I knew I had to find a way to pray somehow. I could not stand not praying. If I didn’t pray, my heart would be very sorrowful. I felt like I was departing from God. Then one night, I saw a place far in the fields, right after harvest time. All the stalks of grain had been rolled and stacked into bundles. I rolled those bundles around me so I could pray unseen. The moon was very clear so I could see easily. I enjoyed prayers for several nights this way. No one discovered me and I was so happy! But one night, there was a little road on the side of the grain field that four or five other neighboring families shared. I had been praying for a long time already and did not realize that a group of them were walking on the road. When they passed by me, they heard my prayer in tongue. Since they could not see anyone but only heard the noise, they were all quite frightened. Some were so frightened that they fell into a ditch by the field. Others ran for their lives. Some were so scared they had to crawl on their knees to get away. So when they went to their morning prayer at their church the next morning, they talked about a “haunted” field. My father-in-law heard it and figured it was me sneaking a prayer there. So he told everyone, the field is not haunted; it’s just his daughter-in-law praying in her weird way. But the other neighbors did not believe it because they saw no one there.
My father-in-law dared them to wait at the same time the next night. The following night, not aware that any of this was happening, I went back to the field to pray again at the same time in the night. They were waiting there for me. When they caught me, they encircled me and started to yell at me. Actually, I was not doing anything wrong; I was only praying. They just didn’t like my prayer. They said, “You are forbidden to pray anymore like this! You cannot continue to belong to that church. When you pray like this, it means you are unwilling to leave your church.”
Later on, two brothers who belonged to the True Jesus Church in Wan Mei where I was baptized came to visit me. When they came, my in-laws started to yell at them too. I was very embarrassed to have any guests treated in that way. My in-laws also jeered me, “Why don’t you go home with these people—the brothers of your church?”
During that visit, one of the brothers said to me, “I had a dream in the morning about you. I dreamed that this glorious light from heaven shone down, encircling you. I saw you crying so much in prayer and your tears were so many that it completely drenched the entire ground. I knew you must be suffering under very difficult conditions. I was waiting for you to finish your prayer to ask you. But when you finished praying, the dream ended.” I told him, yes the dream is indeed true; my faith is under severe trial. The brothers urged me to return with them so I can go back to the True Jesus Church there. I told them, “No, I want to stay with my son. If I die, I want to go to heaven.” The brothers asked what they can do for me. I told them to please go home and tell the church members to please pray for me. I really needed their prayers.
Then not long after that, the Presbyterian Church was disbursing the donation barrels. In one of the barrels was a beautiful leather coat that they especially chose for me. They gave it to my mother-in-law to bring home to me. My mother-in-law told me to try it on. While putting on the coat, she said, “But you may not keep this coat if you don’t come to the church with us.” Mid-sleeve, I took off the coat and gave it back to her, “That’s all right; I don’t want this coat. I only want the words of God.” She took the coat back to her church.
Some time later, their elder came to visit me. He asked me, “Did we not treat you well when you were at church with us?” I answered, “Yes, you treated me very well.” He questioned, “Then why did you leave us?” I answered, “Because now I belong to the True Jesus Church. I am already baptized and received the Holy Spirit from that church; I can no longer depart from them.” The elder said, “I also have the Holy Spirit too!” I replied, “Where is it? I have been a believer at the Presbyterian Church for over ten years; I have never seen anyone pray in tongue from receiving the Holy Spirit as it is shown in the Bible.” He said, “I have the Holy Spirit so I am able to walk to your house.” I replied, “For you to be able to walk to my house, it is because you have life in you, not the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is the Spirit given separately from the Lord Jesus himself—it is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance in heaven.” The elder challenged, “So are you saying that even our Ph.D. pastors cannot go to heaven?” I said, “I didn’t say that they could not be saved. Maybe they will be saved also one day when they hear the true gospel of salvation from the True Jesus Church.”
Then he shook his head and said, “If you come back to us now, we will give you a high position in our church; we can make you the leader of the Sister Fellowship at our church.” I told him, “It doesn’t matter. Even if you were to make me a lady pastor of your church, I will still not go back.” He was surprised and asked me, “Why wouldn’t you be interested?” I said, “I don’t want to have a superficial faith that only receives the praise from people; but instead, I want to be a genuine Christian who is loved by Lord.” He said, “You are hopeless. You have been deceived by Satan.” I said, “No, I am not possessed. I am simply speaking the Word of God clearly.”
Then the elder went to my in-laws. The three of them discussed among themselves for a while. I was working around the house and not paying much attention. Later I passed by and realized that they were talking about how to get rid of me. Then my mother-in-law said, “Are you going to cook rice now?” I answered yes. She said, “Then cook one less cup of rice.”
I thought someone may have already had their dinner, so we don’t need to cook that much. After the rice was prepared, I placed a bowl of rice at each of the places around the dining table, including mine. As my habit, I bowed my head to pray silently before the meal. After the prayer, I put my two hands around the bowl, only to discover the bowl disappeared! I was puzzled so I got up to get another bowl to put rice in it again. My mother-in-law immediately yanked the bowl away from my hands and dumped the rice back into the rice cooker. She said, “Don’t you understand? I don’t want to give you any food to eat!”
Standing there, I was so shocked. My mind went blank; what should I do? I wanted to eat because I was very hungry too. Then everyone sat there and mocked me. I stood there humiliated. My father-in-law said, “This is the rice from our Presbyterian Church. You can’t eat of it because you are a True Jesus Church member. If you pray, I’m sure your God will give you rice from heaven to eat!” Then they all snickered and laughed at me again. I couldn’t bear it any longer.
I ran into my bedroom. Without closing my door, I boldly knelt down and started to pray as loudly as I can in the spiritual tongue of the Holy Spirit. The more they hated my prayer, the louder I would pray for all of them to see! Thank God, after I prayed for a while, I was satisfied. I didn’t feel hunger anymore. I continued to do all the work around the house.
So it went on like this for a long time. Sometimes, they would feed me one meal or two meals a day, whatever they wished. They will watch over me when I cooked to make sure I didn’t steal any food. They would lock the rest of the food in storage so I had no way of obtaining food without them knowing. Whenever it was time to cook, they would unlock it and guard it carefully. Every time I cooked, I didn’t know whether I would be sharing in the meal or not. Sometimes when they told me you eat too, then I would sit down to eat. If they didn’t call me, I would continue to do work. My mother-in-law said, “When you are not eating, you can go feed the pigs, you can feed the ducks, or you can go clean the house; you are not allowed to just sit there and you are not allowed to go pray.”
My neighbors told me, “Don’t you know that your family keeps talking badly about you behind your back?” I said I know. They asked me, “Then why do you keep listening to them and doing whatever they tell you to do?” I told them, “What can I do? They are my in-laws and one is my husband.” Actually, I was afraid if I became angry, they would not like me even more. So I worked very hard to please them. I worked as hard as I could to please them. But instead of being pleased with me, they added even more burdens to make it difficult for me.
At that time, I was agonizing in my heart. I almost lost my faith. I said to myself, I can’t stop my prayers; I have to keep praying. So I found another secret place to pray. I found the cow pen, which is below our field. There were two large water oxen housed there. Nearby, there was also an outhouse for the toilet and the pigsty right next to the cow pen. There were two roads, one in front of the outhouse and the other behind the outhouse.
With faith, I prayed right between the water oxen. I was sure God would protect me so I would not be stepped on or kicked by the oxen. It was a very filthy and smelly place. Nevertheless, I found a clearing to kneel for prayer because the harvest was just completed, so a lot of hay had been dumped into the pen. I prayed quietly so no one could discover where I was. Because it was so smelly, not many people would go there. I was overjoyed when I was undetected for some days. During that period of time, prayer was my joy. Why is that? No matter what happens, I would not leave God. Because whether I was praying or sleeping, God often showed me spiritual visions or dreams.
One time, while I was praying, one of the neighbors went into the outhouse to use it. This outhouse was shared by three neighboring families. The person inside didn’t know that I was praying nearby in the cow pen. Maybe I was praying a little bit loud. When the neighbor heard it, he was extremely frightened; he thought the outhouse was haunted. He didn’t even have a chance to pull up his pants before he ran for his dear life. Then his wife asked him what happened; he said there was a ghost in the outhouse. Early in the morning, the news of his sickness spread everywhere. His mind was in shock and became unstable; he continued to mumble to himself.
When my father-in-law went to visit him to find out what happened, his wife explained that he was fine when he went to the bathroom. But later he was unable to recover when he came back. Then my father-in-law said, “It must be my daughter-in-law again.” None of them could believe that I would go to such a terrible place to pray. My father-in-law set a trap by having everyone stake out the place the next night. As expected, they caught me again. They yelled at me again. “Why are you praying in such an awful, filthy place?” When they were yelling at me, my heart was at peace and I spoke no words of reply; it was as if the sounds around me disappeared.
During this time, my husband continually used the divorce card to force me to go their church. He would threaten me by pulling my arms and said, “Let’s go to the city hall and get divorced.” I told him, “You don’t have to pull me. You can go do the paperwork. I’ll consent to it as long as I have custody of my son.” He said, “No, my son shall not go with you. That’s my son.” I said, “Of course, I know that my son is your son. But I have the responsibility to make sure the faith of this child survives because I had him baptized when he was still small. This is my responsibility.” He said, “No! You shall not have my son. But if you don’t leave this home, you will be starved to death.” I replied, “It will be all right if I die here. At least you will not be able to deceive our son that because of my religion, I did not love him anymore and abandoned him here. If I were to leave by myself now, I know you would brainwash our child that I abandoned him and our home for my religion. At least when I am still here, I can let him know that I never left him, and I died here because I loved him to the end.”
During this most difficult time of trial, I was often encouraged with spiritual dreams and visions from the Lord. I will share with you one of the spiritual dream I saw. The angel said to me, “I will take you to see heaven and hell.” I agreed. So I went with the angel. Then, we went to hell first. I saw a very large jail, the size of this chapel, with a lot of metal bars closely spaced together. There were so many people packed in there that they were all crying in agony, “Please open the doors! Please let us out! We are squeezed so tightly together here we can’t stand it any longer. Please save us!” All their hands were reaching out through the bars, begging for help. All their heads and bodies appeared to be crushed together, like packed preserved vegetables. When I saw it, I felt so sorry for them. I really wanted to open the doors to let them out because they were so pitiful. Every one of them was so skinny and they all had tattered clothes on. If one person moved, all the other people would cry out, “Don’t move! You are hurting me!”
Then the angel said, “Let’s go to the next room.” And the second room was the same as the first room, except there was a lot of smoke. I could see the shadows of the people, but not the people clearly anymore. Because of all the smoke, they were gagging and having a hard time to breathe. Some of them were coughing, some of them were crying, and others were screaming. The level of suffering was double the suffering of the first level.
Then the angel said, “Let’s go to the third level.” Each of the levels were on descending floors. As we walked, we continued to descend downwards. Before we even reached the third level, I could sense a very thick acrid smoke arising from below. I immediately thought of the words in the Bible that there is a lake of fire in hell. Unless there was fire, there would not be so much smoke coming out. Then I thought that the third level of jail must be indescribably horrible, more tortuous, and more pitiful. I turned to leave, but the angel said, “Not yet. Let’s see more rooms.” I refused to descend any further so I quickly walked backed to our starting point.
The angel came to me and said, “Now we are going to jump over to heaven.” So the angel jumped from hell over a chasm to the side of heaven. The angel seemed to have floated easily and the jump seemed only about 10 feet away.
The angel pointed to a bright and glorious dwelling on the top of the mountain on the heaven’s side. He said, “That is where we are going.” I said okay because it didn’t look very hard. But when I prepared to jump, the gulf between hell and heaven suddenly seemed much wider, about 20 feet wide. I knew I couldn’t possibly jump 20 feet and I became sorrowful. I wondered if the angel had left me behind at the edge of hell. When I looked down into the chasm, to see where I would fall if I jumped and fell, I saw that the chasm was actually a bottomless pit. It would seem that heaven and hell is not connected in any way. I was very fearful that if I jumped and missed, I would fall into its depth. So I lowered my head sadly.
The angel kept calling, “Hurry and jump! Why don’t you jump?” I replied, “It’s too far for me to jump.” The angel replied, “Look! Behind you are white stallions.” How could there be white horses behind me? This area of hell appears to be a mountain that has been completely burned over. How can any horse survive here without any shred of grass?
But indeed when I turned around, I saw a group of strong white horses. I climbed onto one of them because the angel said the horse will help carry me over. I saw that the horses had no reigns or saddles on them. So I grabbed hold of the mane of one horse and leapt on. The horse flew into the air. The feeling of riding on the horse’s back was so wonderful. Then I landed in front of the angel who then said, “Let’s go to heaven now.”
The mountain where heaven was built turned out to be extremely steep. Though I clung on tightly to the horse’s mane for life, my legs were dangling helplessly in the air. The horse was climbing vertically upwards. I kept grasping the horse’s mane very tightly because I knew that if I were to accidently slip off the horse’s mane, I would immediately fall into the bottomless pit. I kept praying hard to God to give me the strength to latch on to the mane, because if God didn’t give me strength, I would end up falling to hell instead of going up to heaven.
Finally after what seemed like forever, the angel said, “We’re here.” I opened my eyes and I saw such a beautiful heaven. When we were viewing heaven from the bottom, it looked so small. But now, it was so huge, like a huge church. I saw that heaven was emitting its own bright and glorious light, shining brightly upon all the areas around it. I saw a huge plateau covered with flowers everywhere and roads paved with gold. There were people dressed in white garments walking around there. Then they saw me and immediately came by to welcome me. We all felt so happy and joyous together. I really admired them; they were so beautiful! Heaven and hell were completely different places. There was such a night and day difference between heaven and hell. As I was getting ready to climb on the horse, I awoke from my dream.
When I woke up, I reflected that staying faithful in the True Jesus Church was like trying to grasp tightly to the horse’s mane for life. To loosen my grip will be to compromise my belief in the truth preached at the True Jesus Church; then I will easily fall into the bottomless pit. I understood clearly that should I lose my belief in the true gospel of salvation and left TJC, I shall never go to heaven. So I was very insistent to keep my faith to the very end and to keep believing in the doctrine preached at True Jesus Church is the true salvation plan of Jesus Christ.
Later, they continued to give me less and less food. Sometimes I would go for one or two days without food and I became quite hungry. When I was feeding the pigs, I was thinking that even the pigs have yams to eat, but I have nothing to eat. So I thought next time I roast the yams, I wouldn’t cut them open and I would wash them very clean. After I cut it very cleanly, then I would put it on the food to feed the pigs. Then when I was feeding the pigs, I could still eat some of that yam. Even though it doesn’t taste very good, at least it was better than nothing.
So because I did that, I was able to survive for some more days. My mother-in-law looked at me strangely and wondered why I have not yet died. So my father-in-law spied on me and found me sneaking food from the pig pen. So my father-in-law said, “Aha, I have caught you stealing food from my pigs and no wonder my pigs were not getting any fatter.”
So the next time when we were preparing food for the pigs, my father-in-law himself prepared and cut the pigs food. Then I said to him, “That food hasn’t been washed yet. Don’t you want to wash it first before you cut it?” He said that’s fine, the pigs could eat dirt anyway. His purposed to ruin the food so I could not eat it.
Now, I really had nothing left to eat. I had already given all my money to my mother-in-law so I had no money to buy food for myself. Ever since I was little, I was very obedient and gave all my money to my parents and never had my own savings. I would never squander money by buying candy or snacks.
For the first day and second day, I was very hungry. And on the third and fourth day, it became unbearable. My husband saw that I was becoming emaciated. He became sympathetic to my condition and would try to secretly sneak food for me to eat. One time while I was about to eat it, I was saying grace, then my mother-in-law walked in on me. She slapped the bowl to the ground. I saw the food spilled and wasted all over the ground. Dogs immediately came and licked them all up.
I was now less than a dog and less than a pig. They all had food to eat, but not me. My husband said, “Why choose to torture yourself? Just leave the True Jesus Church, then you’ll be fine. We would no longer rebuke you; we would give you plenty of food to eat.” I thought about it.
If I ate, that would mean giving up my faith, and I would have to go to hell. I already felt like I was on the edge of hell. But still I did not waver. I answered, “No, I want to go to heaven. I cannot depart from the True Church.” My husband told me, “Then you shall die of hunger!” I told him, “That’s fine, as long as I go to heaven.”
He told me that the minister of their church pressured them to starve me. His church minister gave specific instruction to eliminate this first seed from the True Jesus Church. Otherwise, TJC members might visit me and convert my husband and eventually, all the relatives. If the membership in their church reduced, the minister’s salary would be reduced because the minister’s salary depended on the number of members. The more church members, the more salary he would be paid. So their minister wanted to see me starved to death.
I told my husband, “I will never leave the True Jesus Church.” He saw that I got up in the middle of the night to pray. He told me, “Don’t pray anymore. You don’t need to pray for me. I will not come to your church to believe.” I told him, “It’s not that you don’t believe, but it’s that Lord Jesus doesn’t choose you. Because John 15:16 says, Lord Jesus said, “it is not you who chose me, but I first choose you.” My husband responded, “If you truly love me, let’s go to hell together.” I said “No, this sacrifice is not worth it because Hell is too horrible; I want to go to heaven.” I told him, “You can come to my church. Then together we will believe and we will both be saved. And we can still love each other in heaven.” He said, “Over my dead body will I ever go to your church.” He said, “If you love me, you’ll come to my church. But if you love Jesus more, then we should get divorced.”
I told him, “You are no comparison to Lord Jesus because he is God. If we do not rely upon Him, how can we be saved in the future? Even if we were a loving couple for 100 years, it will make no sense to still go to hell to be with you; I want go to heaven.” He said, “You’re really asking for this.”
After four days of completely no food, I was completely famished. My weight was down to 35 kilograms which was about 75 pounds. When taking a shower, water would accumulate at my neckline because I was so thin, with only skin and bones.
On the fifth day, I no longer felt the hunger pains; I just felt dizzy. I heard the hens announcing they just laid an egg. I thought to get an egg to eat. I saw there were six eggs. I brought two or three to cook because I wanted to fill my stomach. But I was afraid my mother-in-law may have counted the eggs first and she would scold me. So I decided not to do that because I don’t want to offend God no matter how much suffering I go through. It turns out my mother-in-law did indeed count those eggs. My father-in-law said “Are the eggs still there?” She answered, “Yes, there were five yesterday, and today there are six.” I thought to myself, thank God I didn’t steal any eggs.
The thought did cross my mind that maybe I can take it easy for a while and accommodate them. After that I’d return to True Jesus Church; this persecution is really beyond what I can bear. So God gave me another dream in the night. I dreamt that there was a very handsome young man pursuing me. I said to him, “You’re such a handsome person; you can have anybody you want, why do you want ugly me?” He said, “You are the prettiest one there is. “ He also had servants with him who kept urging me, “Marry him! Marry him! He is the prince of the King of the World.” I told him that I am unqualified to be married. But they kept forcing me to marry him. They forced me to wear a wedding gown and took me to the wedding. But instead of a wedding chapel, it was a movie theater.
The movie theatre was packed with famous and wealthy people of high status. People were dressed fancily. The groom stood by the door with his hand outstretched to me. We were going to be married on the stage.
I said to the groom, “I am a Christian, I need to be married in a church. I don’t want to be married in a movie theatre.” He said, “This is my church.” I realized at that moment that movie theatres are the churches of the Devil. So I continued to struggle with him and wanted to leave. But he would have none of that and became angry at me. I couldn’t run from the stage because there were so many people blocking me from the exit door. I kept looking for a way out of there. The groom was getting very upset that it was already time for the ceremony and his father, the King, was getting impatient. He said, “My father the king is ready to marry us, why do you keep looking around?”
Then I noticed someone walking in from a door in the back. I figured this was the time to escape! I quickly ran out that same door. Everyone started to chase after me. Because the wedding gown was so long, they caught it and tore my headdress and my gown to pieces and finally I was down to my undergarments. I kept running and they kept chasing. I kept crying out, “Help! Help! I’m being chased!” The groom was so upset that he began to show his true face. He started to grow long canine teeth and looked to be the Devil himself. As he was chasing after me, another very tall person dressed in a white robe stood by a door. I went inside the door and hung on his leg and pleaded, “You have to help me because they are forcing me to marry him. I don’t want to marry him; I am a Christian; I want to be married in the church.”
As they converged nearer, the person in white said, “Who dared to come close to her?” When they heard that, they all scrambled away. When I awoke from the dream, I realized that my faith had become too weak. Already I was thinking of compromising. If I was to compromise, God showed me that I was going to be married to the Devil. So I made another determination that it would be all right for me to starve; that will be nothing compared to going to heaven. I wanted so much to go to heaven!
By the eight day, I was so weak, I couldn’t even walk. My whole body was shaking and trembling. When they saw what was happening to me, they did not have any shred of pity. Late at night, I could no longer even sit to pray any more. I lay there and prayed to God. I said, “God, if you love me, please take my life tonight because if I were to remain alive, I need to eat something. If I cannot eat, I rather go to you. Also, when you take away my life, take my child’s life with me too. I believe you can do this too because if my son is left behind, he will live a life of an unbelieving Gentile, and he will lose his eternal life.” So I embraced my child. This child was actually the Pastor Tien you know now. He was still asleep. I said to him, “Mother is sorry to you; you cannot grow up, because tomorrow we will go to heaven together.” Then I fell asleep.
In the morning, I wondered why was I not dead yet? Why do I still hear familiar sounds? When I opened my eyes and it was the same old ceiling. Then I cried out to God, “God! You don’t love me! You didn’t take me away to be with you!”
I no longer had any strength left to get up. My body kept trembling because it was going to shock from the lack of oxygen. I couldn’t control my involuntary shaking. The household members saw my physical condition and figured that I would die soon. So they all disappeared and left the house early. Nobody was left. It was 6 am in the morning. Then it was noontime. My son (Pastor Tien) did not have anything to eat in the morning or lunch and cried to me, “Mommy, I’m very hungry. I want to eat! I want to eat!”
So I told him, “Why don’t you wait for your uncle and aunties to come back from school for lunch to eat and they will give you food to eat?” We waited until 2:00 pm; but no one came home. It was very strange. How come they didn’t come back? My son kept crying, “Mommy, I want to eat! I am very hungry!”
I forced myself to get up. I had to hang on to the walls as I walked. Difficult as it was, I made it to the kitchen; but there was but there was absolutely no food around.
Then I needed to go to the restroom, but I had no strength left to walk. I struggled and dragged my leg one step at a time. After a few steps, I felt so dizzy, that I sat down to rest. I knelt down and cried, “Thank you God, this is your will. Please let it be so now.”
But then I realized that I did not want to die outside the house, I would crawl back inside and die there. My young son kept on crying, “Mommy, I want to eat! I’m hungry!” I crawled slowly back inside. Across the street was an old lady. She was laughing at me, “Why are you crawling like a child?” I ignored her. I too am a daughter of someone but yet I had to suffer like this for the sake of my faith.
I climbed back into bed. The old lady popped her head at the window above my bed. She saw me from there. She opened the window herself and asked me, “Do you have malaria?” I said, “No.” “Then why are you shaking like that? Why don’t you fix yourself something to eat?” I replied, “They don’t want to give me any food for me to eat.”
“Why don’t you just go and grab food for yourself?” she asked.
“No, they don’t allow me to eat.” Hearing this, she burst into tears. Finally, someone was showing pity to me! Someone was finally shedding me tears of compassion! She went home and I continued to lie in bed awaiting death to overtake me.
An hour later, I heard laughter. In my heart, I thought someone was trying to joke at my expense again. I was praying in my mind. But then I heard someone say, “Hurry and eat while it’s still hot.” I opened my eyes and raised my head. It was the elderly lady who spoke with me earlier. Here she was beside me, a total stranger, not a relative, nor a friend. Yet she fixed rice, soup, and food for me to eat.
I was touched to tears. I prayed to God and thanked Him, “I’m sorry; I thought you didn’t love me anymore or cared about me anymore. But you have arranged this Gentile to prepare food for me and save me.” Then the old lady said again, “Quickly, eat! After you finish eating, you have to hide away the bowl and utensil; otherwise they will discover it and I won’t be able to prepare it anymore.”
Then I whispered thank you with all my heart and bowed my head to say lunch grace. I thought about the story of Elijah who was fed by strange ravens. Like him, I was weak and asked for death from God. Like him, God arranged a stranger to refresh our hunger. I wolfed down the food in a flash and started to sweat all over.
Previously, my body was icy cold. Now that I regained my strength, I started to clean the house and make it organized again. At 6:00 pm, around dusk, members of my household started to poke their heads into the house expecting to find me dead. I heard them whispering and laughing, “Hey she’s not dead yet!” It turned out that they knew that I was dying so they all left early to avoid any legal responsibilities.
They were surprised to find me very much alive and healthy. In fact, day after day, I was mysteriously surviving on apparently no food. Because unbeknownst to them my secret angel, the elderly lady, would secretly send me a meal. Once my mother-in-law asked, “You haven’t eaten anything for over ten days, why aren’t you dead yet?” it confirmed to me their plan to kill me in this way.
Then my mother-in-law said, “If you died, we would not buy you any coffin. We would just drag you to the graveyard and feed you to the dogs.” I said, “That’s fine. As long as I am saved and in heaven, I wouldn’t pay no mind.” She then held up her fists in anger to hit me. I thought to myself, I should be the one angry, why are you angry at me?
One day, the elderly lady’s husband went to the mountain to hunt. He hunted a mountain goat. She took the best portion into a pot of meat for me to eat. She told me to eat quickly! I felt that this mean was very precious so I felt obligated to share it with others. I gave some to my husband to eat. “I have a pot of mountain goat stew behind the bed. Should I bring it out and share with everyone?” He told me “No! Don’t do that. Otherwise, other people will know that you have something to eat.” So he closed the bedroom door, and my husband, my son, and I ate together.
At that time, Pastor Tien was still so small. He was so happy eating the mountain goat that after he finished eating, he took two pieces and ran out the door! I didn’t know that he had taken the goat meat out to share with his uncle. He said, “Uncle, here’s some meat for you to eat.” The uncle asked, “Who gave it to you?” He answered, “Mommie’s! Mommie’s!”
Uncle immediately reported to my mother-in-law, “Hey she has something to eat!” They all rushed over to my bedroom. My mother-in-law interrogated me, “Who is feeding you! Who is this nasty person?”
I was embarrassed that I didn’t share the food with them. So I took a few pieces from the stew on a spoon and said, “Mom, please have some too.” But she kept on interrogating me, “Who fed you?!” She did not leave; she kept staying there to watch me. Then the young girl who brought me food came. I didn’t have time to hide the food, so my mother-in-law caught me. Then she followed the girl home and found out about the old lady who fed me.
She yelled at the old lady, pulled at her hear, and even beat her up, yelling, “Why did you feed her? Our minister told us not to feed her anything!” The old lady responded, “Because I saw her crawling on the ground. If she really starved to death, it is not just you who will be in trouble. All of us in the village will be blamed for having no conscience and no compassion and letting this woman starve to death. This is why I prepared food for her to eat. I’m helping you to save a person’s life.” The woman cried with tears and told my husband, “Send her home. She is very pitiful. She is a healthy woman; why should she starve to death?”
My husband came to me and blamed me, “It’s all your fault. Why are you so stubborn? Fine! I will write a letter to your older brother to tell them to take you home.” In those days, there was no transportation and we needed someone to come pick me up and help carry my things and my child home. The sewing machine was the dowry which I had brought when I got married, but my mother in law did not let me take it away.
My husband said, “That belongs to her, she should take that home with her.” My husband said, “Whatever belongs to you, just take them away.” So he disassembled the sewing machine and packed it.
My husband tried to find some way and said to his father, “If you give me a piece of land, I can farm it; then we can live separately and we don’t have to send my wife away.” He replied, “As long as your wife won’t leave the True Jesus church, I won’t give you any plot of land, not even a hair or a piece of rock.”
My husband said to me, “I cannot go with you because I have no land and I have no possession.” I told him, “That’s quite all right. The Bible tells us that even the birds of the air, they don’t sow or reap, but they live just fine.” He said, “You can’t compare a human to a bird. A bird can fly from mountain to mountain for food. As humans, if you don’t have a plot of land to farm, then you have no way to grow your food and stand on your own feet. I am going to send you home and then I have to return back.” At that time, I was both happy and sad. I was happy to finally received religious freedom. My husband said “You can have my son, I don’t need him anymore. Otherwise, you would starve to death.” He knew that I loved my son dearly and if he gave me my son, I would be willing to leave.
Deep in my heart, I also was afraid of divorce. If I became divorced, then I could not dedicate my whole heart to God. I will continue to think of my husband no matter what. I will be a single mother; how could I raise my son like this? So I prayed to God, “I want my faith. But I also want my marriage too. Please help me!”
That night I had another dream. In the dream, I heard a loudspeaker calling, “I am a cobbler who fixes shoes. Bring your leather shoes to me and I will mend it for free. Bring all your shoes!”
When I heard that it was free, I took my white leather shoes and my husband’s black leather shoes to be mended. When I went to pick the shoes up, I told the cobbler, “You gave me the wrong shoes. My husband’s shoes are black, not white. He doesn’t like white shoes.” He told me, “I intentionally painted his shoes white. Tell him that white is more beautiful.”
I brought the shoes home and my husband asked for his shoes. I said, ”Those white shoes in front of you are your shoes.” He said, “Those are not my shoes. My shoes are black, not white.” I said, “These are your leather shoes. The cobbler painted it white and said to try it. It will look better on you.”
Since he had no other shoes to wear, he forced himself to wear them. Then I woke up from my dream. I was very comforted. I believed God would change his black heart into a white heart. Then three TJC brothers and my own brother came to pick me up. On the way home, the TJC church paid for all tolls and expenses of the journey home.
My father-in-law did not give us even one cent; my father-in-law was a stepfather, not my husband’s real father. On the way home, my husband also accompanied me home. But every time he opened his mouth, it was to tell me, “I’m not going to stay with you; I will go home immediately.” I replied, “I know, I know.” But in my heart, I believed God would touch his heart and make him a believer too.
We returned to my parent’s home in January 1, 1964. At that time there were was a spring sports festival. There were special services at TJC church because of the athletic events. I told my husband, “Let’s go to church.” He said, “Didn’t I tell you already I’m not going to your church?” I said, “I’m just begging you to go for only one time. At least, you should go there and thank everyone for sending the brothers to pick me up. You are an educated person; you should know to show your gratitude.” He then said, “I don’t know how to talk.” I replied, “That’s fine. You don’t have to say anything, but at least be present there.” He said “I belong to the Presbyterian Church; I can’t go inside your church.” I said, “I’m just begging you for only one time, I won’t beg you again. Please come with me.” So when we got to church, he stayed outside. He even tried to lure my son to go out with him to get an apple. My son really like apples but he loved going to church even more, so he told his father, “No.” But at that moment, a church member saw him outside and invited him inside the chapel. Not to be rude, my husband went inside the chapel reluctantly. At that time, the pews were set against the wall and there was no way for him to get out because people were blocking the way. So he stayed through the first prayer and the sermon.
In the second prayer, I kept begging God, “Please give my husband the Holy Spirit! Please have mercy on me and save me! He’s going to abandon me now. What am I going to do without him? You have to save him! Please just give him the Holy Spirit and he will surely believe that you are the True God. I beg you, please do it now! Otherwise after this prayer, he will be gone. You must give him the Holy Spirit now.” I prayed with all my heart and all my might, because I knew that if he didn’t get the Holy Spirit this time, he might never have another chance. Then he will be gone forever from me.
Miraculously, before the prayer was over, an old grandma who was watching her grandson, saw that my husband received the Holy Spirit. She shook my shoulders and said excitedly, “Your husband received the Holy Spirit! Do you know? Do you know?” I continued praying and thanking God, “God, thank you! THANK YOU! You saved me! Thank you so much!”
Though it was very cold day in January on the mountain, with even a chance of snow, and though my husband was fully dressed in his suit, I saw sweat beads on his head. I knew he really received the Holy Spirit. We stood up to get ready to leave. He was smiling from ear to ear; he was so overjoyed. I couldn’t bear it anymore. By the time we got out the door, I quickly said, “Thank God, He loves you! Did you receive the Holy Spirit?” He said, “I don’t know because I didn’t even pray for it. Didn’t you say you prayed 128 days before you even received the Holy Spirit? How can I receive it if I didn’t even pray for it?” I asked him, “If you didn’t receive the Holy Spirit, then why your head was all sweaty?”
He explained, “During the prayer, I was looking at you people praying. For some strange reason, I felt this hot thing on my head and then it came into my heart and dissolved away all my sorrow and sadness. And then I found my body shaking even more than any of you.” I asked curiously, “How did you know your movement was greater than ours?” He said, “Because I didn’t even close my eyes and I kept looking at everybody else.” I said, “Congratulations! God loves you very much. Even though you didn’t ask for it, God still gave it to you. You don’t even know how many tears I shed praying on your behalf. Otherwise, how can your heart, a heart that is certainly harder than stone, ever hope to receive the Holy Spirit?”
As we were on our way home, I asked him, “Do you wish to go back to your home now?” He replied, “No.” I said, “But won’t you be sad because when you live here with me, you will have no inheritance and no land.” He said, “No I won’t be sad. No wonder you were so determined! There truly is God! Now I finally realized that there is a good reason behind your persistence. Indeed the True Jesus Church can truly save souls.” I told him, “If you live with me here, you will have a hard life.” He said, “That’s okay. All the labors of this life are incomparable to the enjoyment and reward that we will receive in heaven with God.” Later in April, he was baptized.
In July, there was an invitation for new preachers from the True Jesus Church Theological Seminary. I encouraged him to become a preacher and apply for the Theological seminary. At the same time, the police academy also accepted him for enrollment as a police officer. The police academy also said they would give him scholarship to go to the academy. He told me “Why not just go to the policy academy since the school is only one year program. After I graduate from the one year program, our life will turn for the better. The seminary school is 3 year program and one year training. If I’m not around, who is going to help you? Also, there will be no money to support our family?” I told him, “Don’t worry about my life. I will rely upon God.”
Because I had vowed to God that if God turned around my husband’s heart, I would give up my husband to serve the Lord. Even though my husband was unaware of my vow, I continued to keep this matter in my heart. So whenever we discussed these two options, I kept encouraging him to accept the seminary. I told him that if you become a preacher, your boss is Jesus Christ himself, and we will receive blessings through you. But he just couldn’t make up his mind. Finally, he said, “Fine, I will give it a try and take the seminary test. Because I’m a new believer, I don’t know much. Even though I have been an interpreter to the American Pastor Willy in the past, I know that the truth at True Jesus Church is very different. Maybe they won’t even accept me.”
When my husband went for his examination, I fasted and prayed for two whole days. I asked God, “The vow I made to you—it is time for me to fulfill this vow to you. Please accept it and let my husband pass the test.” When the test results came back, he passed the test. He told me, that the night before the exam, in a dream, he already saw the test questions and there was even an angel helping him to figure out which one was the right answer and that was how he was able to ace the test. When I heard this, I gave great thanks to God. Just like this, his whole life was transformed and he also became a true believer who followed Jesus! I am very thankful to Lord Jesus that we are walking on the path of God and all of us members in the True Jesus Church, we can count ourselves among those who are saved. I thank God deeply. May all glory be unto the Lord Jesus Name. Hallelujah!