The Angel with a Sword

(Editor's Note: This happened on April 6, 2012, 7:55 pm, at the beginning of the Friday evening service

at True Jesus Church in Irvine. Writer is age 10 at the time playing with his 8 year old brother,

poking at one another and laughing while they were supposed to be praying.) 


Just now I wasn't taking prayer seriously (I was moving around and opening my eyes). I was playing with JaJa when I just saw a tall angel (by the white board). His head was touching the ceiling, with a sword. He was very bright, in the colors of white and yellow-gold. His face was not happy; the expressions were bothered, sad, down, and kind of not satisfied with my actions. It looked like the angel was about to unsheathe his sword. I was very frightened so I just focused on my prayer the rest of the time in prayer. Jaja (my brother) kept bothering me, but I ignored him.

Lesson Learned:

  • I learned to focus and concentrate on prayer, not to fool around or even bother othe rpeople during prayer.
  • God showed me an angel with those expressions to be as a warning to me.
  • I think this is very important.
  • God showed this vision to me to show how I was misbehaving during prayer or even out of prayer, during school, at home, or anywhere else.
  • We/I  (specifically) need to listen and obey, most importantly, do it!


 aris in the library