Testimonies - Tien Family


Download Name Play Size Duration
download Testimony - Sis Chi Ya Tien - 20061006 - Lily in the Briar 1 - MND ENG
田吉雅雲 傳道娘 - 荊棘裡的百合花(上)

28 MB 1:17:40 min
download Testimony - Sis Chi Ya Tien - 20061006 - Lily in the Briar 2 - MND ENG
田吉雅雲 傳道娘 - 荊棘裡的百合花(下)

19.2 MB 53:27 min
download Testimony - Sis Chi-Ya Tien - 20060613 - Resting in the Lord's Embrace (Passing of Spouse)
在主懷裡安息 - 田吉雅雲 傳道娘

66 MB 1:12:06 min
download Testimony - Sis Chi-Ya Tien - 20060614 - True Jesus Church Is the Only Church to Salvation
唯獨真耶穌教會是得救的教會 - 田吉雅雲 傳道娘

61.8 MB 1:07:30 min
download Testimony - Sis Chi-Ya Tien - 20060527 - Journey to Hell and Heaven - Persecution of Faith
旅程到地獄與天堂 - 田吉雅雲 傳道娘

37.6 MB 41:02 min
download Testimony - Sis Chi-Ya Tien - 20060527 - My Journey of Faith, Descriptions of Hell
我信主的經過, 地獄的描素 - 田吉雅雲 傳道娘

57.8 MB 1:03:06 min
download Testimony - Sis Chi-Ya Tien - 20060605 - God's Guidance in Times of Extreme Danger
兩難極危險中蒙神指示 - 田吉雅雲 傳道娘

31 MB 33:52 min
download Testimony - Sis Chi-Ya Tien - 20060605 - The Lord Saved Me from Chemical Poisoning
主搭救我脫離毒農藥瞎眼 - 田吉雅雲 傳道娘

32.3 MB 35:18 min
download Testimony - Sis Chi-Ya Tien - 20060606 - Lily Among Thorns - Story of Persecution
荊棘裡的百合花 - 來真耶穌教會 得聖靈,受洗,受親人逼迫 - 田吉雅雲 傳道娘

59.2 MB 1:04:40 min
download Testimony - Sis Chi Ya Tien - 20060606 - Resurrection of My Dead Granddaughter
田吉雅雲 傳道娘 - 死而復活

23.7 MB 41:24 min
download Testimony - Sis Chi-Ya Tien - 20060616 - Chicken Pox Healed
孫女,女兒水痘得神醫治 - 田吉雅雲 傳道娘

32.8 MB 40:57 min
download Testimony - Sis Chi-Ya Tien - 20060616 - Those Who Waste Their Lives, Descriptions of Heaven
白佔土地的人﹐天堂的描述 - 田吉雅雲 傳道娘

24.4 MB 30:25 min
download Testimony - Sis Chi-Ya Tien - 20060617 - Entrust All to God, Lost Grand Child Found, Saved in Childbirth
凡事交拖神﹐愛孫尋回﹐生產上蒙主拯救 - 田吉雅雲 傳道娘

53.5 MB 1:06:47 min
download Testimony - Sis Chi-Ya Tien - 20060617 - First Born Bitten By Poisonous Snake
田輝煌傳道小時被毒蛇咬﹐受神保護 - 田吉雅雲 傳道娘

54.8 MB 1:19:50 min
download Testimony - Sis Chi-Ya Tien - 20060617 - Grand Child Kidnapped
孫女被拐走 - 田吉雅雲 傳道娘

61.1 MB 1:06:47 min

